I have been a member of Naked Wines for a couple of years and they are great. And I have to say that they handled this complaint fantastically well, if not a little slow to reply (although I guess 4 days isn't unreasonable). This is almost my biggest haul to date, as I got £83 worth of free wine out of it. Result!!!
I have changed names to allow anonymity but these people were high up the chain at Naked Wines. Enjoy!!!
PS: I am aware today is April 1st - this is genuine and not a hoax - just like all my other posts on this blog.
28th March 2014 - email chain to Naked Wines:
Dear Roger,
My postcode: XXXX XXX
I have just come off the phone to Peter at your offices. Very pleasant and polite he was too.
The reason for my calling your office was because yesterday I received a case of 12 bottles of red wine which I do not recall ordering.
Nonetheless, I threw caution to the wind and assumed it must be a present from your good self, in recognition of my frugal support of Naked Wines over the last year or two. So, I polished off a bottle in one sitting last night. If I were to describe the wine to you, I would say it was a lovely red with deep velvety contempt, a crisp smack of assumption and heady notes of pretention. I have to say, I liked it very much.
Nonetheless, I threw caution to the wind and assumed it must be a present from your good self, in recognition of my frugal support of Naked Wines over the last year or two. So, I polished off a bottle in one sitting last night. If I were to describe the wine to you, I would say it was a lovely red with deep velvety contempt, a crisp smack of assumption and heady notes of pretention. I have to say, I liked it very much.
However, the problem remained that I could not remember ordering this case and now began to worry that it may be an error, and that I might find myself out of pocket. Upon speaking to Peter at your offices, he confirmed that a colleague who no longer works for you (I wonder why?) had signed me up for some sort of arrangement whereby I get sent a case of wine every 3 months, whether I ask for it or not.
Furthermore, I have indeed been debitted the £40 that was sat in my Naked Wines account, plus a further £43 from my bank debit card which you have on record to cover any shortfalls in any orders I may (or as is the case here, may not) make.
Furthermore, I have indeed been debitted the £40 that was sat in my Naked Wines account, plus a further £43 from my bank debit card which you have on record to cover any shortfalls in any orders I may (or as is the case here, may not) make.
Peter was very polite and apologetic and I couldn't find it within me to become annoyed at him - it wasn't his personal fault that this mistake has been made. Indeed, he offered to collect the wine, but given that I already polished off a bottle, and that my own supply of wine has all but dried up, I agreed to keep the case as is.
Nonetheless, there remains the problem of my having been sent and charged for something which I had not asked for.
I would like to apply the logic of Naked Wine's actions to an everyday situation:
Imagine that over the course of a year, I pop into Tescos and do my weekly shopping. I give them my bank debit card to take the money, but they keep those details on file, just in case I ever pop in without any money and need some form of payment. Once every three months I purchase some Anusol because I have been suffering from an excruciatingly painful case of hemmorhoids (isn't it ironic that both your company and Anusol work in a field that involves the quashing of bunches of grapes?).
Now, after a year or so, the hemmorhoids are vanquished, BUT, Tesco, in their infinite wisdom of analysing the shopping habits of all their customers, come to the misguided conclusion that I have something of an obsession with medical conditions of the anus. They therefore proceed to send to me a job lot of Anusol, Preparation 'H' and what can only be described as a 'Home Anal Gland Drainage Kit for Domestic Cats and Dogs'. Not only have I not asked for these products, but Tesco's have debited my card as well for the privilege.
Now, I am sure you will agree that if the above ever happened to you (which I appreciate, is unlikely), you would be having words with Tesco.
I look forward to receiving your considered response in resolution of this situation.
Kind regards
Steve Crowley
PS. stress brings on my hemmorhoids and as such, if this case is not resolved soon, I shall have no option but to add expenses for the relevant anal medicinal creams to be added to my claim against you for pecuniary damages.
I didn't hear anything, so thought I would forward it to the PR Officer at the company to get things moving:
31st March 2014
Dear Felicity - I sent the email below to Roger on Friday. I do not appear to have received a response.
In the event that Roger has been otherwise engaged or my email dripped into his spam email box, perhaps you could ensure a speedy response.
In the event that Roger has been otherwise engaged or my email dripped into his spam email box, perhaps you could ensure a speedy response.
Many thanks.
Steve Crowley
Still nothing, so I emailed both of them again:
1st April 2014
Felicity, Roger - I feel like we are old friends.
Any chance of you giving me the courtesy of a response to the email below? It isn't much to ask after I put a few hundred quid into your business and you went on to fleece me for a further £43 without even asking...
Please do respond.
Kindest regards
Then, I got this reply from Felicity:
1st April 2014
Hello Stephen,
Firstly, apologies for not getting back to you sooner - for some reason I didn't receive your email yesterday.
We will arrange an £83 refund for you straight away - and this will take up to 5 working days to hit your account.
To echo Peter, apologies again for sending you wines you weren't expecting.
Would you also like us to close your Naked Wines account?
Best wishes
As I now had a free 12 bottles of wine from this lovely company, I thought I should reply:
1st April 2014
Dear Felicity,
Thank you for your email. Can I just say what a delightful surprise this is to me.
I am particularly pleased that the stress of this situation has been lifted from me and not a hemorrhoid in sight. Alas, you can rest easy that I shall not be putting forward a small claim for medicinal creams as damages.
Can I say that I do in fact love your brand. I think it is a great idea, and works well. I particularly enjoy the fact that, as someone living in an area with no nearby wine merchants, you sell different (and decent) wines to the usual rubbish stocked by my local branch of Lidl. Do you know, I rather suspect that many of their wines are fortified with de-icer or paint thinners? In fact, I am quite surpised that I haven't lost the power of sight or suffered cerebral contusions.
I would therefore like to continue being a member, and I thank you for a generous resolution in settlement of this complaint.
Yours (no longer sitting on a rubber ring)
Steve Crowley
I then received this lovely reply from Felicity:
2nd April
Hello Stephen,
My pleasure - and I'm really glad to hear you want to stick with us.
All the best
P.s. I love your email :)
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