My daughter when we received bad service from PANDORA!

My daughter when we received bad service from PANDORA!
This picture was sent to PANDORA! to highlight the grief they had caused - see the PANDORA! complaint below

Friday, 16 March 2012

First Direct Complaint

I applied for a small loan which was advertised at 6.1% in HUGE characters on their website. They offered me the loan but at over 10% interest. Naturally, I complained. Whilst not a complete victory, the polite lady at FD just called me, asked if my email was meant in jest, I confirmed it was, she asked if I was a wine drinker, I said 'yes, red' and she said there would be a bottle on it's way to me as a thank you - in addition, she is sending out some pre paid envelopes for me. The only thing I can say is that it had better be decent wine or I might feel another complaint coming on. Below is the email chain between myself and First Direct:

13/Mar/2012 09:51

To: Mr S Crowley
Re: Complaint

I write further to our conversation on 08-Mar-2012.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Santander Bank sucks ...

Another of my letters. Sent it a while back. As a result of this letter, Santander swiftly sent me a credit card which I took as a minor victory. I proceeded to cut up the card and put it in the bin as I didn't realise my current card still had several months of 0% interest on it anyway. I am currently in dispute with First Direct, so will post the results when that is resolved.

Santander Credit Card Application Appeals
Credit Card Underwriting
Santander House
201 Grafton Gate East
Central Milton Keynes

10th September 2011


Dear Sirs

                Thank you for your letter dated 1st September 2011, the contents of which I find disappointing, and bemusing.

I write in order to appeal and complain about your decision to decline my application for a credit card. You may find the following information useful: